190 LBS Bar (15/64″ x 7″)
230 LBS Bar (1/4″ x 7′)
Your journey begins here. The 190 Bar should give the average person a small challenge at first…but it will quickly fall. The 230 Bar? It’s a totally different beast. Be prepared to fight and cuss your way to victory.
Novice Bender
280 LBS Bar (17/64″ x 7″)
330 LBS Bar (9/32″ x 7′)
Welcome to the steel bending brotherhood. After you tackle the 230 Bar, these two won’t seem too much worse. They are perfect practice to get ready for the wrist-breakers in the next level…
Specialist Bender
390 LBS Bar (19/64″ x 7″)
450 LBS Bar (5/16″ x 7′)
Holy shit are you in for a fight. The 390 Bar sucks so bad to try to bend. The thickness is something to behold. The 450 Bar is even worse, and once you get that puppy bent, consider yourself in the top two to five percent of benders worldwide.
Expert Bender
530 LBS Bar (21/64″ x 7″)
610 LBS Bar (11/32″ x 7′)
It should take you at least two years to get here. That’s if you’ve been consistently bending two or three times per week. These are man-killers and reaching this level means your wrists are made of stone. We bet strangers don’t like shaking your hand.
Elite Bender
720 LBS Bar (23/64″ x 7″)
830 LBS Bar (3/8″ x 7′)
Reaching this level means you are one of the strongest benders on the planet. Think top twenty worldwide. By now your hands have turned into monster mitts, and your lower arm tendons are as thick as cables. Ripping frying pans in half is probably a side-hobby of yours.
World-Class Bender
960 LBS Bar (25/64″ x 7″)
1,110 LBS Bar (13/32″ x 7′)
No one we know has ever bent these bars under our conditions. Are they impossible? Who knows. We hope not. We venture to guess it would take north of six years of hardcore bending to even touch this level. That’s about one thousand bending sessions.